What are we all about?

Whats going on stay homies? Just letting you know we want the world to isolate in style and do like us - make the most of your quaranteenage years and get down with the lock down,


The only thing we spread is awareness; our goal is to help keep your quaranteam safe and sanitised. Every purchase through the online store will help contribute towards fighting the war on Covid-19.


Lets flatten the heck out of this curve by doing what we were born to do, chilling. Remember if you stay comfy then you don't have to get comfy.


Whether you were always an indoorsman or are new to the game don't worry we've got you and your isolation buddies covered. And for all the Quarantine Queens and Pandemic Princesses, stay regal baby.


If you have a sweet idea you'd like to see on a shirt, are interested in becoming an ambassador, have any kind of feedback at all or just want someone outside of your isolation station to talk to don't be shy to hit us up we'll get back to you pronto.





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